When 76,923 is multiplied by certain numbers, then it will yield numbers in the same order but with a different starting point. Here the first digit of the product goes to the end of the number to form the next product. Otherwise, the order of the digits is intact.
76,923 · 1 = 076,923
76,923 . 10 = 769,230
76,923 . 9 = 692,307
76,923 . 12 = 923,076
76,923 . 3 = 230,769
76,923 . 4 = 307,692
76,923 . 10 = 769,230
76,923 . 9 = 692,307
76,923 . 12 = 923,076
76,923 . 3 = 230,769
76,923 . 4 = 307,692
Notice (below) how various products of 76,923 yield different numbers from those above, yet again, in the same order but with a different starting point. Again, the first digit of the product goes to the end of the number to form the next product. Otherwise, the order of the digits is intact.
76,923 . 2 = 153,846
76,923 . 7 = 538,461
76,923 . 5 = 384,615
76,923 . 11 = 846,153
76,923 . 6 = 461,538
76,923 . 8 = 615,384
76,923 . 7 = 538,461
76,923 . 5 = 384,615
76,923 . 11 = 846,153
76,923 . 6 = 461,538
76,923 . 8 = 615,384